Blocking Pop-ups & Setting Aside Tabs in Edge Browser - BEZLINK | Safelink Generator

Blocking Pop-ups & Setting Aside Tabs in Edge Browser

Blocking Pop-ups & Setting Aside Tabs in Edge Browser

Windows 10 has introduced Microsoft Edge browser which has enhanced the web browsing experience to a great degree. Apart from other stunning features it also blocks the pop-up windows by default. But if by any chance these settings are disabled and you are overrun with the intrusive windows and your concentration is diverted.You can also learn about Changing the Size of Icons in Windows 10. In order to block the pop-ups in Microsoft Edge browser you need to follow these simple steps.

  • 1st of all you need to open the Edge browser.
  • Once the browser is opened you need to click on the More button which is located at the top right of the browser window. (the More button is shown as a three dots)
  • In the next step you need to click on the Settings.
  • Now you need to scroll down and then click “View Advanced Settings.”
  • Now click on the slider with the heading “Block pop-ups.”

Setting Aside Tabs in Edge Browser

  • Edge browser also allows you to “set aside” groups of tabs which can be restored later. With this feature you can avoid visual clutter and can also save the memory simultaneously. For setting aside and restoring the tabs in Edge browser you need to follow these steps.
  • 1st of all you need to drag the tabs which you don’t want set aside to another window.
  • Click on “set aside” button which is 2nd from the left corner of the Edge window.
  • With these steps your tabs will disappear which can be restored later as a group or individually.

Restoring Tabs:

  • For restoring the tabs you need to follow these simple steps.1st of all you need to click on the button in the upper left corner of the Edge window in order to see the list of tabs which you have set aside.
  • You will notice a sidebar with list of set aside tab groups appears.
  • Now you need to click on Restore Tabsnext to the group in order to load all the tabs in that group at once.
  • Now you are required to click on individual tab icon for restoring just that tab.
  • Click on X button for removing all the tabs in the group.
  • At the end you need to click the elipses (…) button for sharing the group of tabs or add it to your Favorite menu.

Blocking Pop-ups and Setting Aside Tabs in Edge Browser

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